Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Small lama immediately underwent an operation

Karma Sonam aged 11 were taken to the hospital at 6 am early in the morning of 13th September when he felt acute pain in his stomach. After going though various tests he was diagnosed with appendix by the doctor. On his proper advice he immediately underwent an operation without any delay. The operation has now been successfully performed and he is now taking rest. And the treatment cost us NRS 60,000.

So we, from the very depth of our heart, urge all the big-hearted and generous persons for your kind financial support for this purpose. As your genuine help would mean a lot for us, it would help the monk get back with his regular study. At the same time, we would remain immensely grateful to you and by this virtuous deed you will enjoy happiness and prosperity in this and many more lives to come.

With loads of thanks

Sincerely yours Acharya Karma Thuthop

Karma Lekshey Ling Institute welfare committee