Monday, June 27, 2011

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Friday, June 24, 2011

Finding some supporter

The large piece of land we have been able to get for our future school project had been lying unused. To make the best use of this land, we planted a variety of vegetables that can be consumed by our monks in the future. Located in a very isolated area and amid a thick forest, there is a huge possibility that many animals will come and destroy the plants. Hence, we need to put up big pillars around the land and barbwire the fence to keep animals from destroying our crops. Also, we have to hire a few helpers to look after the land and will have to give them daily wages. All this will cost us $4000.00

For this purpose, we here seek financial support from all of you generous people. Since we would be immensely grateful to you for your kind donation and help, we would pray from the very depth of our heart for your success and prosperity.

Click here for more photos
Acharya Karma Thuthop
Karma Lekshey Ling welfare committee

Monday, June 20, 2011

Monday, June 13, 2011